I realize you may be as skeptical as you are sick to death of the gimmicks, the  self helps and quick-fix promises made by churches and individuals claiming to represent Jesus Christ. You are as “turned-off” by the pony-ride, inflatable gospel as He is!! So, what are we going to DO about it?

The first order of business is to REPENT. We must admit we have used, abused and misused the testimony of Jesus Christ and His Gospel to sell everything from investment opportunities to cemetery plots. We have turned the body of Christ into a business corporation. We have submitted the cause of Christ to voting bodies and church boards and subjugated the Kingdom of God and the will of God to the well-intentioned promotion of too many of our own good ideas. (more…)

Another scare about the date the world will end has been issued by those who may think they have heard from God, but do not know their Bibles. It says expressly that we do not know the day, May 21, 2011, or the hour, (Matt. 24:36). We, those of us who have ears to hear, will know the time and the season.

“Times” in the Bible often speak of years and “seasons”, would denote the time in the year. We all have our opinions about where we are at on the timeline of Judgment and none of them are sacred or necessarily right. (more…)